WOW! It’s been a long time! Hmmm.. what can I say? I blame being back in Palmerston North for my lack of blogging, (an added factor would also be that we no longer have a land-line so that means no internet at home).
What’s new with me I hear you ask.. (Ok, you don’t really care, but I have nothing better to do other than talk about myself) Where do I start? Oh that’s right! NOWHERE, because being home SUCKS!!!
It wasn’t so bad when I first arrived, because Rev was also back home sorting her shit out. So it was like the ‘good old days’ and we could bum around together, hit the op shops, plan what we were gonna eat for lunch, and then later on what we’d cook for our house holds for dinner, and knock back a few glasses of red each night. Then she decides to up and leave back to Melbs and hello, I’m bumming around alone. Not so cool when you’re doing it solo.
I have not spoken to my dad since I arrived back in the country. And no, there has not been any sort of feuding between us at all. It’s just my own personal slackness, and as time goes by, I feel guiltier and guiltier and it gets harder to pick up the phone and call home. It’s not like he hasn’t tried to get into contact with me either… I have like 3 missed calls a day from him. Some I don’t pick up accidently, but others… Yea, like I said I’ve been pretty useless keeping in contact lately.
Don’t know why, because I could’ve gone up north and kicked it with the famz as soon as Rev went across the ditch… Oh wait, I lie, I am still here because of a boy… Damn boys. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.
I sorta don’t have a right to complain about Palmy being gay either, because had I gotten my shit together earlier, I could be basking in the warmth of the islands, but no… I decided to prolong my stay in the dreary gray, wet, and windy city of Palmerston North to spend more time with my friend-boy. It’s official. I am a hypocritical gaybo.
No wonder why I was a great Dr.Phil to my friends when they came to me with relationship advice. It’s because I’ve NEVER HAD ONE (until now haha) and looking back, yes, I gave sound advice, but shit. I had no idea what I was talking about hahaha
It’s so weird ‘coz I wanna tell people, but then again, I don’t… We’re still “untitled” and that’s how we both like it for the meantime. No official status as of yet, (even though he calls me his g/f… but hellz no, not in public! Hahaha) Acutally, we don’t even go out together in public. And the times that we’ve made public appearances, we got to extreme measures to either to cover it up lmao (eg, walking 10 steps behind)
So good so far, we’ve only spent afew nights apart, (and that’s only because he’s had to go home to Wellington a couple of times) so I have no idea how I’ll hold up when I leave.
I really like him. Nah seriously I do, and no, it’s not because he’s got wi-fi at his flat hahahaha (even though it’s a great perk lolz) if only he was a little taller argh! Hahaha (I know, I know, what a shallow bitch..) but hey, the height difference is noticeable :P I’m tryna think of all the good things but they’re not coming to me because he made me shitty tonight (hahahaha) and I’d hate for you to vomit in your mouth whilst reading all the gaybo shit we do together. Even I look at myself and I’m like wtf? I used to txt Rev to ask if this was normal, and she was like yeah bro. you’re just not used to it because you’re relationship retarded. Man I miss her.
Anyways dear blog, I am alive. And today I am getting back into contact with everything and everyone because I’ve booked my tickets to Samoa, so there is a light at the end of my tunnel and I’ve bought me a new phone-skies after 4years with my last one. (It’s hard to say goodbye). So no excuses for not ringing papa bear either.
Peace out homez, lots more frequent blog rambles to come about Samoa and about the friend-boy no doubt.
We should do this more often! Haha