Wednesday, August 25, 2010


ok i've moved up Fuck You Friday to a Wednesday.. Sorry, I just need to get this off my chest.

- i've eaten a fucekn entire block of whittaker's white chocolate and macadamia nut.. fuck you whittakers.

- i haven't gone to the gym for a week and a half, but doubled my eating.. fuck you gym APs.

- still wrestlesness in the flat. fuck you flat.

- i'm hosting a party but haven't had the time to properly prepare for the event of my quarter century celebrations.. i'm the hostess of the mostess and i'm really not feeling it. it doesn't help that not everyone is on board. just.. just.. just fuck you.

- little bro's birthday tomorrow and i still haven't sent his present. fuck you time creeping up on me.

- courier post. said they came to deliver my parcel twice! whatever, i was home both times and nobody came to our damn door. fuck you for making me have to wait for my overseas parcel.

- public transport. fuck you for either coming earlier or later than what is written on the bus timetable!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


i love walking through the station at night. it's such a contrast from when i'm heading to work and everyone is pushing and shoving to get their trains and buses home. the quietness isn't creepy but peaceful.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


.. my life changed when my Grandfather passed away on this day. I can remember clearly being in the van with all the photography kids, road tripping up to Auckland for NZIPP. I got the call from my mum while we were driving through Tokoroa. I had to keep it together until we arrived to the backpackers, I'm not sure how I did it, but I did.

I text my mingez and they said they not only were trying to find a way home ASAP but they were on their way to collect me. In the meantime, I had to explain the situation to my lecturers and excuse myself from the photography kids with them not noticing. Even though I wanted to apologise for my hasty exit, I knew that a) I'd sort of kill the buzz for the weekend and b) I wouldn't be able to handle the sympathy..

As the days go by, it doesn't get easier.. Nor does it get harder. It just stays the same- my grandad is no longer around. When I go home, I still expect to see him waiting for me at the kitchen table. Warm smile greeting me, the smell of whatever he's been cooking floating around the house, and a story about what happened when he was out and about biking around town.

I miss you. I really do. I often wonder what life would've been like had you survived the hit and run and were still around. Memories of you have not waviered, little things catch me out from time to time.. Like tv programmes or if they sing the hymn i choose for when we walked you out of the church for the final time.

I love you. And when I think of you, I still smile even if a tear or two escapes..

Sunday, August 8, 2010


i was living and working in samoa.. i miss being overseas so much. this segment of my life sucks right now, but i honestly believe i have alot to learn from it so i (hopefully) come away being a better person. i miss the sun, sand and surf.. the vailima beer.. but most of all, the people.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


life is on the up and up. i'm proud to say that i have successfully survived an entire week of work training. friend-boy and i are working on our lack of communication skills and are going on a date to te papa tomorrow, which is pretty exciting. ummmm and yes, that is all because i'm so hungry that i can't really think straight haha. i do enjoy listening to this song though. OH! and those tiger pants in the young money 'bedrock' song i posted awhile ago? they sell them HERE at the adidas shop!!!!!! i am sooooooooo going in to try them on on monday hahahaha

Friday, August 6, 2010


view from my computer

inside our building

my work mates (haha) nah, every floor has these and i asked if i was allowed to take one home and i got declined (a bank pun!) 6 degrees of separation is that one of the girls i am training with is cousins with he who shall not be named lolz aaaaand no offence but you don't deserve to wear my clothes. ooooh harsh. i like, totally just said that.