my aunty and uncle gave me a significant amount of money at the beginning of this year as a ‘start up fund’ for my move to the big city… it wasn’t meant to last me until the end of the year, they realistically planned out that it should last me until about may/june. In the meantime I would’ve been saving for the following few months etc. It was, I guess to help me out to make life abit more comfortable, give me the oppourtunity to go out with friends, attend social events etc etc
I am now in the lower half of the hundreds.
This is not good. Where the fuck has it all gone to? I hear you asking.. I’m tryna figure that out myself. I had all the intentions of being wise with my money, planning shit out, saving.. but looking at my bank account, it hasn’t happened.
My nana called me up last night to tell me that while she was in Auckland for one of my aunty’s funerals (which ended up being more like a huge family renunion) the “oldies” as she put it, decided that it was time to get together in the mother land so that we can all meet each other.
Plans are for a 3 day reunion in samoa from the 27th – 29th December of this year.
I was so stoked, I was thinking, ok gotta start saving for a drinking fund (and oh yeah a ticket over) so that is when I proceeded to take a look at my funds and yea, you know the rest…
Then it dawned on me that I would also need to pay rent and power once my student allowence finishes up in November.. I’ve been thinking waaay too much about the here and now, settling in, making friends, blah blah blah that I haven’t done the basics of looking at the long term.
Well my dear blog, I’m here and I’m looking. Hopefully I’ll get skinny from not eating out haha that will cut out gym membership fees, so that’s a start! Lolz
Ok I’m starting to ramble because I’m thinking about getting a hard copy of my assignment to my lecturer somehow. Damit. Peace out. ^_^