yesterday i go sent home from work within half an hour of beginning my shift. that's the first time i've ever been sent home before. even if i was sick at school, because my mum taught at the same school i just had to sleep in the back of her class until the school day was over.
today i woke up still feeling like someone was having a drum & bass gig in my head. every step i took equalled a good thump to my brain. not cool.
i mustered up the courage to seek professional medical help. (i usually google everything..) so now not only have i got an official gp (i think the last gp i had i was like, 7?) because i never go to the doctor. i have a real big "i'll sleep it off" mentality about everything. (that failed when i contracted a kidney infection earlier this year by the way).
basically she told me i was run down & working too much. i was like, umm hello? do you know the life i like to live? do you know my shopping have to haves? (hahahaha) but anywho, she wanted to give me a week off to rest and recover and i was like "hellz no!" 2 days max (and i was totally gonna go to work tomorrow) but i'm still not feeling 100% so perhaps i'll take her advice and use the doctors cert and have 2 days off work.
i'm slightly gutted because this weekend is our work party which means free piss and a free feed at a swanky restaurant on the waterfront (i mean hello, i work at a bank!) but i don't want my team leaders to be all like, "oh well she's had the last 3 days off and here she is getting pissed on the free bar tab".. fml and my morals.
so i think i will still go to the dinner part, but retire early once everyone starts to hit the juice. i don't really have anything to wear anyway, considering the theme is "silver and gold" (wtf?) i have gold strappy wedges and silver peep toe heels but no silver and/or gold clothing..
it has taken me over 24 hrs to watch "eat, love, pray".. i don't know if it was because the movie was shit, or if i was feeling like shit, or a combination of both but i kept falling asleep during it hahahahaha.
and i'm not sure if you still read this, (because i'm pretty sure that i said to piss off and stop reading my shit so i can rant about you haha) but if you still do, thank you.. 143 ^_^
P.S: my aunty (the one i lived with overseas) was in the country and bought me this.. yaaaay!