Sunday, September 14, 2008


ok, so my phone went missing in march in town one night. i totally couldn't understand why, because it's tooootally old. anyways, forever hopeful it would turn up i refused to get another one until the end of june. i'm a creature of habit so instead of trading up & getting a flash new one, i went to trade me and bought the exact same model as my previous phone. i even decked it out the same too haha anyways, i got shitty at my cousin the other weekend coz i was expecting an 'important' txt from him but never got it.. when i finally caught up with him, he was like, 'but i was texting you!' and we realised that he was txtn my old number (couldn't get it cancelled coz the voda-homie bastards said i needed my PUK code, but my sim card is from 6th form & honestly.. who keeps shit from back then? lolz) turns out my lost phone is in use!!! i'm totally annoyed at this... now i wonder who's got my wallet that i lost one weekend (during the day!) in wellington. why don't people hand shit in?

(are the photo booth photos just killing you?! lmao as a photographer, they're totally un-acceptable dahahaha but i just can't help but luv the low res, grainy quality of it all.. maybe i should start using the 'effects' lolz!)

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