Tuesday, September 9, 2008


i'm finding it real hard to stay anonymous y'all! lmao honestly, because i am so hedonistic (HAHA) i'm not used to posting photos of myself up and using real names. it's weird giving my people an alias, and i often forget who's who sometines lolz i've told myself not to read old posts because they're quite depressing...

my blog is depressing! hahahaha i sound like a real glum person who's day is determined by the weather 24-7!

OMG all i have to talk about is the weather along with my problems dahahahaha now i'm scared that this is the 'real' me, and the person on my bebo page is just all show... seriously guys, who does that?! haha ok ok, ima try hard to put some more positive energy in this blog & try express myself more as the fun loving happy child i am.. (or am i?! lolz)

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