i've been counting down since last month for the weekend that has just been. i had a 21st to go to, the bella qween gig, and then my T.T.L ladies decided to come up for the weekend too. alot of time and effort went into planning out the night so i could make it to everything that was going on, and i left the house looking fierce as hell! i was even more excited that rani and tee came, and i promised a big night ahead.
however... i was little over zealous (ok, i was just plain greedy!) at the 21st because i was taking full advantage of the bar tab. i drank faster than usane bolt running in the olympics. BIG MISTAKE!!!
i started power chucking by 11ish and ummm.. my night went down hill from there. the girls went out on the town by themselves (not to bella qween though) and i was put to bed by mumzy with a bucket at my side.
yesterday, while i was recovering i was angry as hell at myself!!! i missed the worlds greatest night, and NO! there will be no other like it because this place sucks! :P i couldn't believe how stupid i was chopping back all those drinks. and i didn't have dinner or lunch either, so yea.
i'm kinda over it now, but it's still a soft spot for me. i know i'll look back and laugh in the near future. but right now, even though i can't do anything about it, i'm mad at me!!! what a waste of a dress! of a visit from my T.T.L krew! of alcohol!
man, i haven't been that waaasted since i was in thailand last year and i tried to take on some lady-boys who were giving me the side eye lmao
like the ads on tv say: "it's not what we're drinking... it's how we're drinking" dahahahaha
(i still love absolut tho lolz)
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