my gratitude of the day goes to j-skywalker (formally known as 'J.L' haha) for loaning me her ipod until i get my act together, and start making some money to buy my own!!! anyways, she's bought me back from the dinosaur years and i'm friggin' thankful for it. updated my version of i-tunes, uploaded all my music on it last night and then came to a conclusion that i am in need of some new music! (doesn't have to be top 40 material, but i'm bored with what i've got.)
any suggestions? what's on you're playlist at the moment?
j-skywalker had some good stuff on her ipod, but it all went when i sync'd it to my computer.
i'm watching tyra at the moment and it's "tyra's body-ville". crazy stuff. everyone's on stage in like, these body stockings lmao same old story- "un-happy with their appearence", "low-self esteem", "body issues", rah rah rah. i'm laughing at the ones who stand infront of the mirror and are like, "oh i've never stood infront of the mirror like this before *insert tears here* it's really really hard"
and i'm thinking to myself. are you serious?! you've never stood infront of the mirror? ho-lee! i'm like, infront of the mirror 24-7!!! after the shower, when i'm getting dressed, after i'm dressed, actually.. wherever there are surfaces that are reflective, i'm there looking at myself lmao
HAHA omg, now they're labeling each others body type. OH JEEEZ!!! dahahaha those americans are pretty harsh man. and superficial. (not as superfical as the australian chicks on 20/20 last night. i just wanted to like, punch them lolz)
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