rev's "bear" (fur coat) she picked up @ the selvo'z for only $15! it's soooo warm

(this room is really cool, and my photo does it no justice. but all i was concerned about was what i was gonna drink next haha)

(yes, that is a nun dancing with a hooker hahaha tragedy- when old people go to dress up parties and get really into it. i hope i never end up being like that. dahahahaha)
so after spending the day rummaging through all the op shops that are in town (got some good buys too) we decided to go go into town for 'a drink'... started off @ the flying fish (like the only decent cocktail bar around here) then ended up going to the brewers apprentice (i know what you're thinking WTF?!) hahahha anyways, suprisingly it was an entertaining night. got home by 12 and i fell asleep before rev even got back in her car lmao (i think it was the wine i had at brewers).
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