so i thought i had another week of job hunting and dvd watching, and then all of a sudden all this stuff needs to be done @ the same time.
* i've got a deadline for a client @ 4pm
* it's our end of year graduate exhibition @ te manaway gallery
* i'm modelling for my friend in her end of year fashion school show in wangaz
so i'm still working towards the deadline for this so-called "client", and time is running out. it's kind of make-or-break for me. exhibition- meh, i'm not looking for a job in the industry because i just want to travel and teach and save all the jonah takalua's. fashion show? a waste of my time, but i'm true to my word and so i'll do it.
i'm just annoyed that the fashion show is gonna take 3 days (wednesday, thursday and friday) away from working towards my deadline. i'm helping out a friend outta the goodness of my heart (which i don't think i actually possess haha) and it's screwing my stuff up.
client comes first. the rest of my life will follow (HAHA!) so now i'm all outta sorts, can't complete sentences coz i'm low-key stressing that i won't get it done. eating heaps of crap 'coz... actually i have no real excuse for that. and doing everything but work on this thing that's due on friday.
i keep telling myself i will, but i know i won't.
i hope i can fit my dress for fashion show, i haven't been to spin for 2 weeks, been eating heaps and feel like i've gained 100kgs hahahaha shit. i wish all my fat would just give me bigger boobs but instead it all goes to my hips.
i'm making mixtapes (CDs) for the car coz mumsy has shitty cds and i'm sick of listening to abba (even tho i love mama mia lmao)
ok, now i've gotta go write a 200 word blurb about myself & my work that's due tomorrow that's meant to accompany my art work for exhibition.
man, i was dreading a week of just being a bum and watching dvds. but now...
i need to get my nails done.
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