Monday, November 17, 2008


ok, i made it down to wellington for the weekend (and back home again) with all of 30 bucks in my pocket. i think that was the highlight of my weekend.

anyways, went down to BANG IT with tee and rani (tee found this amazing place & moved in on friday, rani was in wellyz filming) so of course i had to join in on the weekend festivities, even tho there was alot going on here too (ok it was only 2 parties, but that's alot for round here hahaha)

drove down with rev & her famz 'coz she was flying outta wellyz to aucks to spend a few days with dr.bass (lolz) before heading back to melbs. so free ride down (yuss!)

i think it was the first time all 4 of us had been together since rani's 21st.

we went to hope bros for what was meant to be a glass of wine before rev flew out, but ended up being 2 bottles lmao it was good times all around catching up, acting up, and of course drinking lolz

i was sad to wave rev off, and she kinda wished she was staying too. i could not believe she threw $20 outta the taxi window! what a wannabe islander lolz so we were playing the whole throw it back & run away game with her while she was in a moving vehicle haha but she ended up winning coz they got a green light & she threw it out and they took off.

'coz we were kinda tipsy from drinking at mid-day, when evening came we were all pretty tired hahahaha so we lost a bit of momentum there.

anywho, i was expecting a mind blowing saturday night but once again wellington failed to impress or even excite me.

i think it was also because those two have low-key "issues" happening at the mo' so one was an angry, agressive drunk and the other was a sad, sulky drunk. then there was me who was stuck in the middle of them both, feeling like if i spent too much time with one i was playing off the other, and wondering where all the hott boys were? poor form for wellintons behalf.

tee left clubs early coz she was feeling 'sick'. so when she went, rani let off steam about her (and drank like a friggin' spartan! lmao honestly, i don't know how she did it!) and i had to keep dancing like i was having the best time off my life, but i was actually exhausted and wanted to go to sleep hahahaha

yesterday we were all tired and hung-over. strolled into the city for a feed (i had the best miso soup in my life!) and returned back home.

that night, we played "would you rather..." i pretty much sucked at asking the questions at the beginning, but then got better as the night progressed. i was however, really good @ answering them lolz

we pretty much played until mid-night in our zombie state haha and didn't even realize how long we played for. (we started at like, 7pm!) anyways, i stupidly asked "would you rather heaps of friends that you weren't close to, or only 3 friends that you were super close to?" tee answered 3 friends you were super close with and rani answered heaps of friends that you weren't close to. we were like? huh? are you sure? and she was like, yup. because i just need my family. that's all. i'd rather not trust anyone and have my family close. i think that hurt tee and she went quiet for awhile. as for me, i was friggin' kicking myself for asking the question!!!

our night went kinda downhill from there and that's when we checked the time and called it a night.

islanders and their bloody loyalty to their families! they really stick to the "blood is thicker than water" saying.

it was funny 'coz then i asked "would you rather take a bullet for your sister or your best friend?" and of course, they both said "sister" at the same time... meanwhile my answer was "bestfriend" hahahaha seriously, i know it's stink but i would really be lost with out rev over my sisters. i wonder if it would be different if they were my full sisters or if we grew up together.

anywho, that's why my weekend in wellington ended up to be crap haha i should've just stayed here lolz

oooh, but i have something to look forward to! SEVENS!!! woop! woop! hahaha it'll all be on in feb next year! bring on the sexy boys! lmao

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