Monday, December 1, 2008


ok i'm gonna start this "b defined" tag so kiwi's can understand the words/sayings which are influenced by the states, and for people to understand our kiwi colloquialisms & lingo. (i think it's actually just so i understand what i'm saying myself lmao)

don't take it as the final say. i probs won't have any references (except for say, good old wikipedia & urban haha) here's some to get you started:

choice – excellent! great idea!

dairy - convenience store

eh! – used for emphasis at the end of a sentence, eh! (see note above on Māori influence. A similar but not identical usage is found in Canadian English). i spell it "aye" personally. it's just pronounced like the letter: "A"

flash – cool, "you look flash", their new tv is "flash"

flatting – sharing a flat (apartment or rented house)

fly - cool, in style / something or someone that is particularly attractive

jandals - thongs (aus) - flipflops

swag - apperance, style, or the way he or she presents them selves

togs - bathers/cossies (aus) - swimwear

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