Tuesday, December 9, 2008


i'm slightly torn as to where i wanna see the new year in. last year it was very low-key and super quiet 'coz it was my nana's first christmas/new years alone ('coz my grand-dad passed away a few days before my birthday in '07) so i decided to stay with her 'coz mumzy had her own agenda. it was actually really nice, peaceful & i thought i'd be guttered that i didn't get drunk & get my party on but i wasn't. i think my nana was happy that i made the decision to keep her company on my own. i mean hello, it wasn't that hard. she raised me most of my life & as if i'd let her spend new years all by herself! that's just sad.

i've spent 22 out of my 23 new years days (some pretty hung over haha) with my nana. however, this year i don't want to celebrate new years here. i originally wanted to go to my dad's, even if there was nothing planned, i just don't wanna be in the manawatu.

mumzy is going to 'the bay' (her BFF owns part a private bay... i tried googling it and it doesn't come up) again. and there'll be people i wanna see there, so i was like, 'ooh maybe i'll come to the bay with you before heading up to dads'... so now she's planning our road trip up together, going on about how much i'll love it, and it's seriously like i've never been to a beach & a batch before! hello, i spend all my holidays with dad! and you've only been to the bay once!

ok what was i talking about? oh yea, how i wanna see certain people who'll be at the bay. i'll only be there for a week before continuing up to my dads, but her BFF's kids are like satans spawn! ok, no they're not like satans spawn, they ARE!!! seriously! so i'm not sure if it's worth it. i wouldn't say i hated them.. but it's pretty close to that. (lmao, terrible i know, but you'd feel the same way too)

if we were actually related to them, i wouldn't mind 'coz when they were being little shits i could just give them a flick. but we're not. so i can't.(and boy do they need it!) they are rude, greedy, obnoxious, dis-respectful, whingey, sickly (their mum may have looked fab straight after pregnancy but shit, when you don't feed your fetous, they end up having allergies to everything, weak immune systems, the list goes on), stuck up, spoilt (eg. i overheard one say while playing with another kid- "are you rich? 'coz we are, and if you're not, i don't wanna play with you") i could go on, but i think you get the picture.

they range from a 13 yr old who wants to be a 'gangsta', loves tagging, brags about how he gets whatever he wants, but can't read (haha), to a 9yr old who is actually addicted to his PSP/PS3... when it's taken away from him because he's being a little asshole, he actually goes into a fit of rage. there's no power at the bay so he can't take them with him. (however, they take him to his aunty's place in waihi so he can play for a day.) to a 6yr, who looks everyone up and down and looks at them with disdain for no reason, other than not being up to her standard ('rich' enough). if it were kids her age, i'd be like, ok you're a bitch but whatevz, but she does it to adults & that's just plain rude & dis-respectful.

so they're the reason why i'm slightly apprehensive about going to the bay. i can totally see myself loving it, eating good food, waking up to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach, swimming, sun, beer (lolz). but bad company can cancel all that out.

if i were with the 'whanau' (dad, step-mum, the siblings) i am guaranteed good times. no matter where we are really.

also, the person i'm kind of just going up to see (haha) i'm scared of his sister. no really. she's unintentionally intimidating. we're the same age, (she could possibly be a year younger than me) but she's a real 'grown-up'. she's married, just had a baby, is well on her way to finishing her PhD (ok, not really, but i'm sure she's almost done her masters in like, psychology or medicine? i honestly have no idea what she goes on about when we talk. i just nod and smile lmao) works full time while studying & just bought her own house. oh, and she has a moko. i mean HELLO! that's pretty scary in itself.

it would be PERFECT minus the demon children, and scary sister hahahaha.

i'm not sure how i'll go with mumzy too. it's all about keeping up appearances with her infront of her 'crew'. (i don't know why, 'coz even tho they're wealthy they're not flashy or snobby. it's their kids that are dickheads.) she's already started telling me "the rules"... HAHAHAHA i'm like 'are you serious?!' we're going to a beach for goodness sake, there are no rules! you're worried about my behaviour infront of your friends? what am i? 13?!

actually it would be funny if i was just drunk & stoned for the entire week. then i'd have a flippin' awesome time no matter what dahahahahahahaha hmmmmm that could be a plan! except i don't have any weed or money to buy alcohol lmao. so i guess it'll be a sober week. ok maybe i should just go straight to my dads...

p.s: sorry for the crappy photos, 'coz i couldn't find the bloody place on google i had to take these from someones bebo page haha if i make it up there, i'll take better ones. promise!

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