Monday, December 15, 2008


since no-one else will teach me about my own culture, i decided to to it myself.

hahaha no seriously.

papa bear just laughs when i ask, "can you teach me a waita dad?" (so when we're actually on the marae i'm not looking stupid when i stand next to the whanau when they're doing their waiata that includes actions & i'm just standing there totally lost)

and mumsy (who has no maori blood in her what-so-ever.. just because you had a maori inside you don't make you maori jeeez!) always says in a patronizing tone "don't you know that song? everyone knows that one. i remember in teachers college when.... *insert memory here*"

ok then, how 'bout sharing the knowledge then? so hi-5 to myself for learning the actions and most of the words.

thanks youtube, you've been a greater help than both of my parents combined!

funny thing is- i'm not even this iwi/tribe... i should be learning nga puhi songs but youtube can only do so much hahaha besides, i like the melody to this one. and yes, all my samoan friends & family would mock the shit out of me if they knew &/or ever saw me doing this. lmao.

should you ever want the lyrics, i've got them too. (man i'm on to it today hahahaha)

Kōtiro Māori, e taku ripene pai
O makawe hoki nga ngaru ate tai
Ko te pare huia
He tohu rangatira e
Ko Rongomaiwahine
O Nukutaurua e.

Maori lass, my gay ribbon,
your hair is like the ripples of the tide
a topknot of huia feathers
an aristocratic symbol
of Nukutaurua.

Rongongia tō ataahua
E te whenua katoa
Tae atu te kohimuhimu
Ki a Kahungunu e
Ko wai te wahine e
Whakakapakapa te manawanui
Ko Rongomaiwahine
O Nukutaurua e

Your beauty is known
throughout the land
then the whisper reaches
even to Kahungunu.
Who is the woman who
breaks so many hearts?
It is Rongomaiwahine
of Nukutaurua.

Piki ake, kake ake
Ki Te Mahia e
Ka kite tana hiahia
Aue Ko Rongomai e.
Haere mai e tama rukuhia
Nga pāua a Tangaroa nei
Ma Rongomaiwahine
O Nukutaurua e.

He travels up the coast
to Mahia peninsular
and sees his desire.
Oh yes! Oh Rongomai!
Come young man, dive
for the paua belonging to Tangaroa
as a gift for Rongomaiwahine
of Nukutaurua.

Nāhau rā Kahungunu
Tangata whakanene
Na te pāua
I raru ana koe Rongomai e
Maranga mai e hine
Ka haere tāua e
Ki Maramatea
O Nukutaurua e.

Kahungunu has the gift,
of being a trickster.
It was the paua
that defeated you Rongomai.
Come young lady
Let us two travel
to Maramatea
of Nukutaurua.

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