i want to go home. home as in asia. i am totally asian. lolz. no, really though. it's only been what, 15hrs and i'm over india. guys here are soooooooooo creepy. i'm not being racist either. indian women are absolutely stunning. really beautiful. and the colours of their sari's are so delicious. but the men? yuck. i doesn't help that they think i'm indian. i got through immigration&customs fast enough, but not at the expense of the guys calling their friends over to check me out (and i felt sick to the stomach at the hungry look in their eye) before handing my passport back. i just kept my eyes lowered and kept all expression vacant.
i have no clothes what so ever that are appropriate. a) because it's fucken cold here (it's like a cold winter day in palmy) and b) women don't show their ankles, shoulders, clevage (not that i have any lolz) and the list goes on. i was annoyed for having to dress appropriately in saigon. but here, it's more coz i'm scared of theun-wanted attention that i attract! i blame the hair lolz
we were driven to one of the malls today, and also had a chaperone that was arranged by the hotel. it's so weird having someone trail 6ft behind you at all times while tryna do some mindless shopping. i just felt... felt trapped. like, i was constantly watched. (which i was, duh!) i ended up with a winter coat and a pair of levis. i was abit guttered coz they didn't have super tubes like i was looking for and gave me a style that was popular with all the indian girls. (straight leg. boooooring.) i only covered a fraction of the mall (it was GIGANTIC!!!) but the whole being followed thing made me so paranoid that i just gave up and asked to go back.
my next dillema? i've only got jandals & a pair of peep toe heels hahahaha so i've gotta find somewhere to get some covered shoes. but an hour drive to the mall? nah i can just have cold feet.
the other experience i had for the first time today were the beggers at the traffic lights. majority are kids that knock on the window of the car and either try to see magazines or condoms (lolz!) or else perform a circus like act inbetween the cars that are waiting for the lights to change. i wasn't shocked, more saddened that they were so young (and so grubby) but i won't lie, i was a little scared and locked my door too. they never open doors though, so i was told. i hid behind my faux bans so i wouldn't have to make eye contact with them.
i'm liking my room though, the whole window/wall thing is crazy & i love it. when we got in at 2am this morning i ran myself a giant bubble bath and watched CNN through the glass before going to bed. this is sucha hazy city (as my photos show!) this morning was considered "clear" by the staff.
i can't believe my aunty and uncle are moving here this year. i don't think i'll be visiting this city, like the previous others that they've lived in. i love asia, so i felt very 'at home' in shanghai, vietnam, bangkok, etc etc. but here? nah.
even though (yes, prepare to laugh lolz) i've seen a few guys that have potential. until of course they give me that gross hungry look that just makes my skin crawl.
ok, i'm exhusted coz i had a wrestless sleep. so i'm off to watch bollywood music videos (they're really good!)
i'll keep you informed with the weeks events. peace.
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