Monday, February 9, 2009


am i just over-reacting? or is it just my own selfishness that feels that when you've had a long day, and it's just so hot that you need a time-out for a cool drink, sit down and bite to eat but then someone says, 'oh no no don't go by yourself, give me 30mins max to do this and we'll all come down together' and you say, 'are you sure? i'm perfectly fine to go alone. alright. but if you need more time, just let me know so i can meander to the cafe ok?' and they agree, it means that they are not going to be longer than half an hour, and if they are going to take longer, to let you know so you can go do your own thing right?

well it's been an hour and a half, and they've JUST called to say, 'oh hey! get ready so we can all go out to dinner tonight ok?'

no. it's not ok. i've got a fucken miagrane coz i'm dehydrated, i'm sluggish coz i fell asleep and it's made me over tired, and now because all i wanted to do an hour and a half ago was pick up cold juice and a slice i'm grumpy and in such a pissy mood right now that i don't fucken want to go anywhere. dinner? i haven't even had lunch! i don't care if you're paying either. can you refund the last hour that i've lost WAITING (which i clearly said in my last post i wouldn't do.. even though that was for someone else) i still wasted time doing nothing.

had i gotten my slice and juice at 4.10pm when we got back, i would not be in such a foul mood. fuck the world. that's right i said it. i'm too shitty to care and now everything that happens is gonna be bad coz of all the negative energy/karma that i'm producing. better get out of my way, i might rip your eye-balls out and eat them infront of your mother.

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