Sunday, February 8, 2009


i wonder what bangkok would be with you. actually, no. no i don't wanna come here with you 'coz you'd probably go round and root all the girls. maybe spend all your time at the pictured club? hahaha i stalked your brothers page and saw photos of you nephew and neice. they're gorgeous. they've grown so much.

i thought i'd be annoyed because everyone thinks i'm a lady-boy (or koyote as the thai's call them) but i'm really not. it just makes me laugh because i think to myself, well you should ask *he who shall not be named* (yeah, that's our actual code name for him lolz) and he will vouch for me that i'm definitly not a guy. dahahahaha.

when i stay in 5 star hotels and have a huge bed i do kinda wish you were around. . i've figured out that we manage to run into each other at least once a year. wonder where we'll bump into each other this year. or when. maybe our paths won't even cross this year because they did twice in 2008.

thai's are the biggest believers of destiny. i once fooled myself into believing you were mine, and i just wanted to yell YOU ARE MY DESITINY!!! but in all honesty, even though right now it would be very nice and all, i'm not too sure if you are. i'm definitly not yours. i can see that. (after all the denial of course haha)

i've come to a conclusion that you're just a learning curve in my path leading towards my destiny. i'm just too fucken inpatient for the whole 'good things happen to those who wait.'

waiting is so gay.

i have wasted so much time waiting for you in the past already.

waiting for your game to start.
waiting for you to get court time.
waiting for your game to end.
waiting to see you after the game.
waiting for you to finish talking with you stupid friends.
waiting for your ugly groupies to leave.
waiting for you to notice me.
waiting to meet you.
waiting to talk to you.
waiting for your text.
waiting for you to introduce me.
waiting for you to care.

i'm not waiting anymore. i'm out doing me, and if one day you realise that? then guess what? it's your turn to wait on me. i'm not stopping or slowing down for you. not that you would, but i'm just saying if you did...

the end! (haha!)

ho-lee i can't believe i just wrote an entire rant about YOU and it was originally meant to be about something else. lolz!!!

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