Friday, February 27, 2009


so anyways, rev has this big plan about picking up an english teaching job (without any sort of teaching qualification) in asia, make money, travel, and then move to the uk/europe to work and live for a couple of years. since i'm here, it's only natural to ask me for a heads up on the asian front.

so i was straight up, gave my personal opinion, along with hard facts, and then i got an email back, which when i began to read it, i knew she was pissed off with what i had to say.

what can you do? once again i'm in one of those damned if you do. damned if you don't situations.

i don't want to gloss everything over and say it'll be sweet as, and when she arrives, be totally screwed. i also don't want her to think that i'm just tryna kill her joy and keep asia all to myself so she can't experience it...

so a big "opps" on my behalf for thinking that being honest and giving a realistic point of view was the best thing to do.

next time anyone asks me for advice, ima just shrug my shoulders and say "i don't know". because it seems that if you don't tell people what they wanna hear you're screwed. and then when they get fucked over, your screwed for not telling them.

moral of the story: we are all screwed.

the end!

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