I DON'T WANT TO GO HOME... does that make me heartless? i'm soooo not looking forward to all the family politics that awaits. i anticipate that alot of shit will go down in my fam bam during the month of march. my papa bear said he'll send me plane tickets to fly up north this weekend. that will settle me back into the swing of things and prepare me (hopefully) for what is to come.
haven't been sleeping properly because:
a) i don't know what the hell i'm going to talk about during my speech at my step-sisters 21st
b) i still haven't learned all of the siva samoa that i'm to perform at her 21st
c) i haven't even STARTED learning the maori waiata that our family is getting up to perform
d) i don't know what the hell i'm wearing for grad
e) i'm actually DREADING grad...
f) i'm dreading grad dinner the most though
g) i requested that my dad and my step-mum pick me up from the airport so we can have a "family meeting" in the car without any of the kids, during the hour drive home so i can explain the family politics and all the shit that's going down on mumzy's side of the famz
h) i don't know how i'm gonna start that conversation or what i'm actually gonna say
i) i just don't wanna get on that plane back to NZ tomorrow lolz
so yea, that's all that's going on in my head at the mo',
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