i got the most random "who is this?" txt today, from none other than 'he who should not be named'. i hadn't thought of him for aaaaaages and i get that bloody txt. of course you know that set me off.
i played along at first: "how'd you get this number? who is this?" in fear that on the other side was an insane-o girlfriend out for blood after finding a number on his phone. the reply i got told me it was actually him, so i got my txt on today lolz.
he's back in the country to play ball again this season. (i sooooo told him he'd come back during our final meeting.) but DAMN! i won't be here to stalk him this season hahaha (and yes, i told him that too.)
didn't get into anything too deep, kept it light a casual. i tried to ask questions about his move across the ditch but didn't much out of him. (i was digging for the "oh yea i'm engaged/have a baby" bombshell... but he's just as good as i am and didn't let on.)
he asked when i was leaving again & just told me what he was doing what he said he was gonna do the last time we met, how much he enjoyed it and how good the money was.
then he finished that txt with "i shall see you around sometime". and i thought to myself WTF? no you won't. hahaha. but i entertained the thought of "what if" for just a split second. (i am only human! ha!)
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