went to look for the underground for lunch and HELLO it's gone!!! who moved my underground? hahaha found out it's being relocated and will open in 3mths time... good one, i won't be here. so went to black cat for lunch which has the biggest burgers i've seen in a long time. i only had a bob cat burger, and struggled to finish that, so lord only knows how people eat the one that's as big as your face.
bought a pair of faux bans off a street vendor because i didn't bring ANY sunglasses over with me. they're not as good as the ones as i bought for j.skywalker 'coz the "rayban" logo is only printed on the side haha watched as tourists LICKED their stamps (everyone knows not to do that here 'coz you can only imagine what they put in the glue if they put malamine in babies milk powder lmao) meanwhile, i got out my gluestick (art student habits die hard) and glued all my stamps to my postcards.
went across to the cathedral to find out when easter mass is, since its good friday next week, but no-one could speak english haha figured out there's an english mass on sundays @ 9.30am... too early for me to wake up lolz
last photo is of the gorgeous frangipani tree outside my apartment building that i totally jizz off to everytime i walk past it. i especially love walking under it at night because you can smell all the delicious frangi's. off for a hot stone massage at the spa, just because i can haha.
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