Or so the song goes… Hmm where shall I begin? There are so many tales to tell, but because it costs me $40tala (roughly $30.00 NZD) for a 5hr lavaspot wi-fi card, internet time is used sparsely.
So far so good though. Getting my head around how expensive shit is though, finding my way around town, and trying to over come my fear of my own people… Who am I kidding? These are totally not my peeps haha they bloody fobs!!!
Running a motel when your works are fukheads isn’t as easy as it seems. Samoans are lazy, don’t have common sense or initative (or pretend not to have either) so when I set tasks, (including a demo) I usually end up sending them home and do it myself. It’s so much easier and at least I know that the job will get done to the standard that I expect.
I have found my Friday night local – Paddles Restaurant. Actually we don’t even wait for Friday night haha you can find us their on say, a Tuesday lunch time lolz
Weather is gorgeous, but I haven’t gotten a tan because I work from dawn ‘til dusk in the motel. Even going to Vavau beach last Sunday didn’t help because of all days, it was cloudy and cold hahaha
P.S.A: No offence Samoa but your beaches are pooh! Take me to the beach up north in NZ any day! Seriously, the surf was flat, current was dangerously strong, rough sand, rocks and jagged coral in the water. I’m not really down with that.
I have gotten my work uniform. Puletasi of course, but I got to choose my material. Got 3 of them yesterday and bought 8 more yards for another 2 this morning at Chan Mow’s. I’ll post photos of my fob gears later on…
What else? Hmmm I’m getting a beer git from the amount of Vailima I consume hahahahaha
Ooooh the most exciting thing? My Aunty is allowing me one of their family utes to run around the island in while I’m here. I’m not sure if it’s the white one or the red one, so thinking caps on for naming my new vehicle kids.
Which leads me to another “WTF?!” moment I had when I found out about “the switch”.. September 7th is when Samoa will change which side of the road they drive on. Ridiculous mate. I will be sitting on the sea wall to watch all the crashes and report on the deaths. (Like, seriously)
Oh and last thing before I run outta time- My frined boy is “suprising” me by coming over for 2 weeks. I was not impressed. I’m not one who enjoys suprises, and when I found out I called him up & abused him over the phone.. He’s stil coming over though (and now I’m small looking forward to it.)
So much more to fill you in with, but digest this for now, read up on the switch and plan a visit to Paddles, should you land on these shores in the near future.
Ia Mania ☺
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