Dear blog,
I think I may have slightly fucked up.
Ok so I’v been telling everyone on island that we’re “just friends” and re-assuring them that’s all we are. Theeeeen I sorta told him I’d go meet his Aunty and Uncle so they would who he was hanging out with while on island. Then my Aunty (the mother of my cousin who he flats with.. we’ll call her AP) invited him out to dinner and he accepted. So when I called him up last night to confirm and let him know what time, he said he couldn’t go ‘coz his Aunty (who owns the motel he’s staying at.. we’ll call her AV) said he had to go to a fiafia night with all the other guests. So I’ve been texting him all day to ring AP to tell her he’s not gonna make it tonight, but the cell phone networks are down at the moment and they keep bouncing back. Last night I stupidly suggested that I go over to meet and ask AV if he would be allowed to come to dinner.
After explaining my situation to my the Aunty (the one I came over to work for.. well call her AK), she said “no, don’t go because he’s acting like you guys are a couple. Are you?” and me, being judas said “no way!” so she (AK) said he needed to grow some balls and if he wants to go to dinner to tell AV that he is a dumbass and double booked himself or else pick up his sacks and ring AP to say he isn’t coming. (She actually kinda said that haha)
I asked my other Aunty (I have quite afew lmao) who was on skype (we’ll call her AL) what I should do. And she said that I should pop in to say hey and ask AV if he can come to dinner. (Turns out that AL and AV are friends.)
So I told AK what AL said, and AK still said not to go. The thing is, that he is constantly texting me to say “I really think you should come and meet my Aunty and Uncle” and I’m recalling what he’s been saying to his side and I’m fucken positive that he’s made us sound like a couple. I’m torn haha I would just go over and get it over and done with, but if my side (AK, AP etc) say no, then the answer is no.
Now I’m waiting for my Aunty (the one in India.. we’ll call her AA) to wake up coz she knows the answer to everything and she knows the real situation (as in, that we are a little more than “just friends”).
Haha and last night he was telling me that he was “falling” for me. (And I was like, “no you’re not.. trust me you’re not ok?”) hahahaha he’ll be piiiiiiissed when I finally get hold of him to tell him that I’m not going over to meet his aunty and uncle today.
Yes I will take part of the blame for the situation that I’ve currently gotten myself into, but he has to share the load. Coz I think he actually arranged a time and place for us to all to meet “formally”, and you know me. I don’t do formal family things for other people.
Do ya think the heat has gotten to his head? For fucks sake, we’ve talked this over before so we’d never get into a situation like this and we both fell straight into it.
It’s all honourable and all that bull shit that he came over to see me as a surprise ‘coz he missed me, but hey.. I didn’t ask him to. I even encouraged him not to! Am I a bitch for thinking that? Haha I knew this would happen. Damit. For fucks sake. And I haven’t even started on what went down with mumsy last night!
Bloody Samoans. It’s always a family affair. Even if you don’t want it to be. It always is and will be. Always.
1 comment:
HAHAHA I read it twice and I have NNNOOOOOO idea.
From AJ
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