finished reading this book a few hours ago. haven't read a decent book in awhile... meant to go and watch razz perform at maliu mai in the showtime finals tonight, (even forked out 10 tala for a ticket) but in the turn of events, didn't go.
odie's bornday tomorrow, small hoping we'll go out for drinks, but the neither of the girls are well so i might be a quiet meal somewhere.
long weekend this weekend because of the road switch. yes it's true, samoa is having monday and tuesday off. stupid-asses.
teuila festival wrap up this saturday i think. the only thing i'm interested in (actually not just me.. i can safely say the entire island) is the long boat racing. 7am start... cutting it abit close for me though, so might have to sit this one out.
one more thing to add to my list of what i don't heart. just noticed it today- samoan's tryna dance like other islands (eg cook island, tahiti, hawaii etc) no offence, but you should stick to your own culture. siva samoa is where it's at. don't try be something you're not.
another thing to add to my list is that my english is faltering (no really... it's really bad) i blame being constantly surrounded by FOBS!
can you believe that he doesn't have a passport and he's expecting to fly outta NZ on the 19th?! LMAO stupid foooooll! seriously, i had to talk him through what to do over MSN this afternoon. i gave him a list of things to do and so far he's completed 75% of that list. not too bad.
oki doki, bring on the weekend.
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