Saturday, September 12, 2009


OMG so here i am feeling sorry for myself 'coz i've got a shitty weekend of work lined up and then a guest asks me about MENA designs. i'm like, "umm i dunno" (sleep deprived = grumpy me). but i went and googled where the shop was in auckland for her and holy crap, there is something i like about this island now... it's MENA designs.

hella expensive for a dress (starting from around $300 tala) but i think i may have to go and have a look-see with my aunty one day just to try some on. (i have 2 MENA dresses already, but they are from awhile back..)

here's a write up about the shop i found online:

MENA is a designer label from Samoa specialising in high end special occasion wear for women. The MENA look is sophisticated, elegant and very chic with distinctive use of printed Polynesian motifs of island flora or traditional ‘tatau' (tattoo). The balance between contemporary fashion and traditional Polynesian art is finely tuned in their designs.

MENA is a family owned business in every sense - four Samoan sisters Agnes, Jackie, Gina and Charlene Loheni along with their mother Mena Loheni all started working together from their family home in Apia, designing and creating hand printed dresses. The girls' father, Frank Loheni is also very involved in helping out wherever he can in the business. Word steadily got out about their unique style and they soon became very popular with the locals. Within two years after they were selling from home the family opened their own boutique in town. The business has been flourishing ever since with stockists in New Zealand, Hawaii & Rarotonga.

anyways, there is alot more on their website, so if you're bored check out MENA designs

god (or buddha) wants me to be happy after all.

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