I’ve been holding off posting about the tsunami, ‘coz even though on the day that all the sirens went off and we had to evacuate the motel twice (and I was sooo dying to blog about it) and I thought it was exciting at the time, I actually know people who have lost everything. Even family members. So I didn’t want to be like “woo hoo what an awesome time!” when serious stuff is going on around me…
As per usual, the media sensationalised it, saying the whole island was wiped out (or so people thought). As per usual, the only reason we knew what was going on was when family members from NZ would call and report what they were hearing.
The quake woke me up, but I remember thinking “hellz no am I getting outta bed.. it’s only 6.50.. my alarm goes off at 7.00”. So I rolled over and shut my eyes, even though I could hear things falling down around me haha.
When my alarm went off, I heard voices outside my room and lots of guests had rallied outside in the carpark and were heading back to their rooms. So I followed out my daily routine, and was just getting outta the shower when someone started banging on my door. I thought to myself “hello! I’ve only got a towel on!” but I answered to find my boss yelling, “get the car keys, it’s a tsunami warning!”. Looked at my truck and all our guests were pilled in the back haha. I was like, shit better get some clothes on then!
I drove like a crazy person (it was awesome.. I could justify my actions by saying I was protecting my guests and staff haha) We spent the entire day up at Vailima, sitting through lotsa tremors and listening to the Samoan radio of reports of what was going on. (interrupted by lotsa church hymns of course).
We have close friends that lived in a house between Coconuts Beach Resort and Sinalei Reef Resort. When the quake went for as long as it did, she grabbed her kids, got in the car and just drove to higher ground. 15mins later, the wave came. When she went back, everything was demolished, the only thing left was the concrete foundation of their house.
Last Friday my 8yr cousin went to his best friends funeral.
Tales such as the owner of one of the resorts trying to rescue children from the surf with her husband, and then the wave engulfing their truck which took her life but saved all the children are starting to emerge and I can’t imagine what their families are going through right now.
The speed of aid by NZ and Australia was [is] amazing. They came almost immediately. Samoa’s ties with Germany has meant that the German government has sent money, as has the Irish government (reason being the Samoan Arch Bishop went to school in Rome with the Irish Arch Bishop). Even Obama said they’d lend a hand after they re-build American Samoa.
What I’m worried about now, is how this aid is being given out to those who are in need. With the corruption of this governement, I worry that the money that is given in goodwill from people will be put to use elsewhere.
Take our close friends for instance. They are living with 20 others at their in-laws place, and yesterday they were given ½ a sack of rice by Samoan Government Aid… Meanwhile, each day we drive over (to give them food, gas for cooking etc) there a convoys of Aid Trucks filled with food, water, clothes, etc going in the same direction… Tell me where this is all going to?
I can just imagine the field day that the fat fuck of a prime minister of this island nation is having with all these “goodies”. Lots of locals are pissed off that their donations aren’t going to those who need it, so they’ve started to pack up their own trucks, drive over to the south coast, and look for complete strangers to give food, blankets, clothes etc to.
No offence, but I’m sorta tired of talking about it over and over and over again with people. Some amazing survival stories thought.
To the people of the South Coast, my heart goes out to you. I still haven’t made it all the way around because I don’t think I could handle driving past decomposed bodies washing up on the beaches that I was just at a few weekends ago, enjoying the sun, drinking cocktails, and tanning myself on.
To all the Aid workers, I commend you. To the Samoan governement, please don’t be cunts and deal with the issue in an orderly manner. Your people need you. Don’t let them lose faith.
To the New Zealand born Samoans who are all heading over to “help” with their families, do what you say you’re here to do. Don’t use it as an excuse to go out drinking, hook up and act like you’re a saint ‘coz your hear for the clean up, when your family is actually cleaning up after you.
To the looters from other villages. All I can say is “karma”.
Ok enough from me.
Over and out.
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