i don’t mean to brag, but my boyfriend is way cool. like actually.. last weekend I had a rad (yes I just said rad) Saturday night out with my aunty. went to a function with her, and drank a whole heap of wine. she’s not really a dancer so she dropped me home afterwards and I was tooootally amping for town. I arrived home to find one of my flatmates absolutely baked haha and she’d hot glued some of our furniture together. I wasn’t in as much of a state as she, but it was safe to say that I was stil in some sort of unorderly state haha so much so, I ended up throwing all the broken beer bottles (and some) up on to the balcony above us so that they’d hopefully get the message to stop smashing their fucken bottles down into our courtyard. I even rummaged through our trash to specifically find teabags so I could say I tea-bagged them lmao.
(while all this was happening my boyfriend was enjoying himself at a 21st in town.)
my flatties and I (there was one who was sober, so she was “supervising” us haha) decided we needed music, so I ran off to fetch my boyfriends laptop and attempted to use the virtual dj programme. I don’t know if I was really drunk, but boy oh boy djaying is super fun!
when the alcohol peaked, I quietly excused myself from the lounge because all of a sudden the room was spinning and I wasn’t feeling to good. what a sight when the boyfriend came home.. I was preeeeeetty much passed out in my party clothes on top of my bed with all the lights on haha. he’d actually bought me back a big mac combo but I was too far gone to attempt to eat it (even though it would’ve absorbed all the alcohol!) he got me ready for bed, took all my jewellery off and even got me a bucket (lolz!!) then in the morning he took me to mcdonalds for breakfast.
moral of the story is that now I think I’m cool because he downloaded the virtual dj programme for me and now i pretend I’m a dj and have it open all the time to look cool hahahha in reality though I actually don’t know how to use it, nor do I know the rules of mixing songs together but hey, one day I could be a famous dj-ing teacher.. HAHAHAHA (I’m totally kidding).
The end! ^_^
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