i'm not a fan of nikki but i've loved lloyd for a very long time, more recently i've taken i liking to drake, and of course i have to mention the dude near the ends orange tiger pants.
my current home situation has gone from bad to worse. DM's heading for the hills (effective immediately). i'm dissapointed at the fact that it's come to this, and for my own selfish reasons i'm really sad to see her go. however, i'm mad at them both for not growing the balls to just scrap it out ya know? i'll most probably bring that up tonight at our emergency flat meeting.
on the upside, i handed in my CV to portmans and the store manager was telling me she was reading it this morning and was impressed with it and i also got a call back from the BNZ call centre, so job ops are looking hopeful.
i'm also addicted to a new facebook game called nightclub city (i know, the friend boy is so not impressed at the time i spend on fb at the moment).. but it's kinda fun.. maybe i should just go out for real? lolz
peace :)
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