and for goodness sake FLUSH TWICE! (more if need be). what is the common etiquette in workplace toilets? coz DAYUM some people have nastee asses where i work. the toilets are really nice, but the deposits that are left behind aren't. i'm all for dropping the kids off whenever.. i'm mean, it's no good for you to keep it in. i had a friend in primary school and i think it even went on during our high school years that refused to use the toilet anywhere else but her house. even at sleep overs she'd hold on all weekend.
so what's the go on this subject??? i find it awkward to try and pee when i know that there's someone else in the stall next to me, let alone take a dump. but i have found ways around this problem when i've really needed to go. i thought it was just asian that could poop anywhere, but apparently kiwi's can too.. and suits at that! however, they have no consideration of the next person who would be occupying the stall after them. i mean, work even supplies those toilet brushes.
my advice is this- be sure to flush properly & even if you think it's been done, double check.. it's ok if i have to wait a tad longer because you're waiting for the toilet to re-fill so you can flush again.. i'd rather that than discover your dna splattered all over the toilet bowl, and/or soggy yellow toilet paper sitting in the bowl.
over and out.