not even my straightner is helping.. (i actually think it's broken). my keri hilson hair has long gone. i can't remember the last time i got a good cut. well, since i've been back in nz anyway. it's dry, fly-away, dull and just plain yuck at the moment.. so i've been in search of a good hairdresser here that won't cost a kidney. more difficult than it seems because everyone has a kidney to spare in order to have good hair.

seeing as me and reese look so alike (LMAO) i thought i'd suit her current hairstyle. it basically looks like how i always have my hair haha but me likey..

and seeing as i have a job that pays well i thought i'd get it colored professionally again instead of kidding myself that my at home job looks just as good as salon job hahahaha i'm liking kim k's bob colour. start to lighten it for summer.. i miss my blonde hair! :P
anyone willing to donate organs or limbs in order for me to get my hair "did" please holla at ya girl lolz
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