i've had alot of shit to blog about lately! so what's my excuse for not blogging? my macbook pro is slowly crapping out and dying on me so i've unable to access the net, let alone my beloved laptop for my usual mindless rant.
the 60 second wrap up:
- massive earthquake in christchurch (my family was all good. cousin recently txt to say the power was back on, but still no water)
- started back at uni (which has me questioning myself.. "why the fuck am i doing this again?")
- went home to catch up and hang out with the BCK (bavi cool kids). didn't realise how much being a 'grown up' sucks. wish we could have bonfires & listen to radiohead every weekend. (perhaps switch it up by adding a little kanye in there? hahaha)
- got hit on by a hot guy at footlocker. ya girl's still got it! hahaha (except the part where he started talking about his 21st this year.. mmmmmmm..)
- started back to twitter. why do i insist on trying to live my life like a celebrity and tweet everything i'm doing? people really don't give a fuck about me or my status updates.
- awaiting bloods. may have to go back to get them done again because i didn't realise "fasting" was only a 10hr stint.
- direction. do you have some? coz i could sure do with it. i know i popped off at the friendboy for questioning my intentions of returning to uni, but i think he uncovered the fact that part of me is only going back because i'm not sure what to do with myself.
- post-grads. this years in-take = fucktards to an extreme level. (not the highest level, just a really extreme level.) please don't look at me that way when i openly admit that i am repeating this paper.
- sunsilk. that shit is doing wonders for my hair right now.
- haven't been here in awhile. and you can tell. i don't know what the first sign is, but i know my undies being too tight is a very bad one.
- bff's wedding in nov. maid of honour has been fired and is not even in the line anymore! haha (it's her sister and i'm betting she'll be reinstated by november.) *watch this space* for more news/dramas.
ok so this really wasn't a 60 second wrap up.. but there you go, consider yourself filled in.
peace and i'm out.
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