Wednesday, August 27, 2008

nobody likes to eat what's 'good' for you

education is food for the brain. school is good for you. where are the lollies damit?! haha so i'm at school and basically shitting myself because i still haven't done enough work and i'm all over the place for my final concept for my assignment. not to mention that i should be writting my essay now too. the thing with art subjects is that you CANNOT cram the night before it's due and pull an all nighter typing up your essay. it has to be an on going process, that develops over time. being a photography major (i'm in my 4th year) you've got give time for concepts, photo shoots, printing. re-shooting, re-printing. the list goes on. i am having an "ARRRRRRRGHHHHHH WTF AM I DOING?!" moment right now. haha and i'm blogging instead of researching. :)

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