since i quit my job to focus on my last semester of study, i'm really starting to feel the strain of not having money at my disposal. i used to be the girl who could just walk into a store, see something i liked, dropped some paper, and walked out very content. but now, if i spend money i have to really weigh out the pros and cons and figure out if i really need it or if i just want it..
i'm not the type to shop at high end fashion stores only. i'm big on details such as, the right fit, type of fabric, colour (love colour!), etc etc etc. money CANNOT buy you style, that is for sure! (even tho i know alota people who think that if it is expensive it equates to style... uh-uh!) i will however, fork out the cash for something that is good quality and i can see will take me through season to season.
so this rant is about not having money. it sucks!
hahaha i know, i know, money is not "everything". and i value people more than i do material things... sometimes... lolz but when you don't have it coming in as frequently as it used to it.. it.. how do i explain it without sounding like a shallow ass b*tch?! hahaha i can't endulge in the luxuries that i am accustomed to.
but today, i just had to splurge a little on myself and go to the beautician for my 'trip to brazil' hahaha so i skipped my afternoon lecture and went to see her.
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