Friday, September 19, 2008


HA! just a few hours in, and we've already started to clash lolz i'm talking about disagreements with my sister.. that child has no sense of style! she wants my help for this after party she's going to tomorrow. i had heaps of looks for her running through my head, willing to share. so first i asked her "what do you want to wear?" and got the usual answer of "mmmm i dunno"

so i started to pull together outfits that i thought would look cute, suit the party, and not make her look too old (coz she's only 16). anyway, every single one got declined. and i was like well what do you want to wear then?! everything was "too girly" or "too bright" or "too shiny" or "too may sparkles" or "that looks like this other girls dress" (and the list went on).

the party theme is actually fluro, but she wants to "look cooler" than everyone else and she specifically said that she wanted to "stand out". anyways, we agreed on a simple black, off the shoulder t-shirt dress that we could accessorize with some gold hoops, some big gold bracelets, and a gold belt even.

she discovered my fluro orange lo-cut chucks and wanted to wear them. i said yes- "as long as you don't get them dirty!" and she mimicd my, "as long as you don't get them dirty" and pulled a face. very mature. they all go, except we've banged heads about socks. she wants to wear high socks (not over the knee, high..) but normal business man length socks. i was like, bro you're not in porirua! this is an after party! not the ghetto! jeeez! i had to put my foot down & demand she wear ankle socks.

i tried in vain to sway her to wear these cute black boots that has the tiniest heel in the world but it was "too high" (i was like, omg i'll show you high!) anyways , now we're arguing about hair and make up (coz she's not interested! everything is "too girly".. i was like, ummm boys aren't interested in girls who look like boys! hahahaha

i got my bake on too, chocolate cake, chocolate brownies, and truffles. yum!

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