Friday, September 19, 2008


i am wuken bored as hell. bebo isn't doing it for me, tyra isn't doing it for me (HAHA) none of my books are doing it for me... i planned to get out of bed and be productive and do something.. anything. just not sit around like am right now. i remember when i used to stroll into town, find myself a nice spot at starbucks, get my laptop out, catch up with emails while enjoying a nice vanilla chai latte, while watching cars zoom past and people walk hurriedly, into the mall, across the street, and back to their offices. what's holding me back from doing that now? well telecom's wifi prices have sky rocketed (it used to be free, and now it's $25 AN HOUR! no thanks.) and coz my laptop runs outta juice quickly coz it's getting old. :P

so here i am, doing exactly what i didn't want to do- sitting around doing nothing. i txt'd the girls to see if they want to meet up for lunch, or just hang out but no-one was keen, coz we're all kinda broke haha i guess i could to the dishes, and i guess i could do some reading for my next assignment, but i don't want to.. ya know?!

i even looked it up on wikipedia which states: "Boredom is an emotional state experienced during periods of lack of activities or when individuals are uninterested in the activities surrounding them. well that explains it all.

Boredom arises not from a lack of things to do but from the inability to latch onto any specific activity. Nothing engages us, despite an often profound desire for engagement.

hahaha yes, this is where i'm at right now.. and i'm annoyed at myself for not being in engaged in anything!

Boredom is a condition characterized by perception of one's environment as dull, tedious, and lacking in stimulation.

there lies the answer.. i just don't want to be here. that's all. it's boring as hell! i wanna go away. right now. leave on a jet place, and not come back again... destination? unknown. but i don't mind, it's away from here!!! :P lolz

i just had a crazy idea. i could've jumped on a bus down to wellington for a day trip to visit the girls. why didn't i think of that sooner?! jeeeeez! hmm.. maybe i should still go?! ok i'm getting excited now hahahaha

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