Monday, September 8, 2008


omg, so my preliminary class critique presentation went really well today! even my lecturer was enthusiastic and shit, that man hardly ever has anything positive to say (well, you know constructive critisim was the best you'd get from him)

anywho, i am in a very up-beat mood today. the morning started out sunny and clear but i knew that the weather was going to pack in later on in the day (thank you met service haha) so it didn't really affect my mood. now i've got 3 days to write my essay... jeeez!!!

the image above, is on i'm working on for my assignment about cultural identity. it shows the square at night to represent the place i've been born and bred in... it will always be considered home to me, and the other image is of the hokianga harbour. where my koro grew up, where i've only spent like, 2 summers but i feel this connection there. when the harbour comes in sight as you drive into opononi, it feels like you're home... weird huh? lolz nah it's coz i'm tangata whenua lolz

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