"no matter where we are, we will always be together under the same moon in the sky"
i dreamt of him last night. he wasn't physically in my dream, but he'd sent me mail. it was an envelope that had all the contents of my wallet that went missing earlier this year (the last time i had it in my possession was when i was walking along the wellington waterfront one night with him). i emptied the envelope and i was frantically searching for something. anything. a note maybe, that he'd slipped in there with an answer or at least, a reason why.
but there was nothing. and i was annoyed more at the fact he'd not sent my actual wallet (haha) the weird thing was, that loads of money fell out of the envelope. not only new zealand currency but also chinese RMB. (odd, because i only had $20 in it when it went missing).
i knew it was from him because his initials were clearly written on the back of the envelope. those initials that are friggin' etched into my brain, that i can't seem to erase or forget. (damit!) the weird thing was, that it was addressed to "miss julia". i've got no idea who that is hahaha and it wasn't addressed, like you usually do. it just had miss julia on the front, and his initials on the back. it was written in black ink. i can remember it so vividly.
"dreams are like stars- you may never touch them but if you follow them, they'll lead you to your destiny."
or will they? i think that quote is shit haha and so is he for disturbing my dreams lmao
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