yea, so the useless bitches i call friends finally got in to contact with me. so we've made plans to meet up, sit down and share a meal like grown up people do, to plan our "girls-road-trip-to-wellington-to-see-chris-brown-and-rihanna" properly. i was all down for whatevers coz i was just excited to go with the girls, ya know? we were gonna get a quad ensuite room at a backpackers so we can get trash-bagged and mingle with the other backpackers. (and it was as cheap as chips too!)
i've decided to pull out. (haven't told them yet HAHA) why? because one is bring her friggin' boyfriend. who does that?! a "girls road trip" is for the girls. which means no boys allowed. i mean HELLO! is it just me? or does everyone else see the problem here?
i'm pissed off man. the concert is besides the point. it's the fact that it was meant to be our night. the girls night. not bring your wuken boyfriend too night.
yay for judd and sheryl tho haha!
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