i hate how you've trapped my cousin. especially after all you put our family through. the only reason why you're still together is for my nephew. (i don't know why, since full custody was won) who by the way is already screwed up at 2, and will only get worse.
he's a reflection of you. the path of destruction that is you.
even though i don't approve of my cousins extra curricular activites behind your back (that i'm sure you're aware of, but deny) which include 2 of your flatmates (which you don't know about), you deserve everything you get.
i don't apologize for not being polite to you. i don't like you. there's no denying it. i'm not even gonna make an effort after all you have done. my cousin is dumb enough to let you back in for the sake of your son. (don't even get me started on being 'together' for the sake of the child. everybody knows that is more detrimental to all involved)
your attitude over the weekend was disgusting. how dare you treat my cousin like shit infront of our family. how dare you smack my neice, yet you cannot dicipline your own son. i could go on and on but i've wasted enough energy on you and you're not even worth it.
i just want my cousin back. i know it won't be like old times. but shit, at least it would be away from you.
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