Saturday, November 29, 2008


i was like, what the hell is wrong with my blog? it's not hitting the spot for me (hahahaha) anywho, i've figured it out. i've been tryna make my blog all like the american ones i frequent (haha) and making it all 'kiwiana' then i was like wtf? why? cool stuff like what i read in other peoples blogs just don't bloody happen around here lolz and kiwiana is so over-rated (so says j skywalker lolz) so i'm taking it back to basics... or back to the roots. or something along those lines. i was totally "fronting". well, not totally. but yea. it'll take me some time to figure out a layout i like, but the new banner thing is a start. man i love that pixelated aligator. and the infamous "S" that i think j skywalker should make her trademark haha hellz yea!

don't mock me for living in a boring city, with boring people (sans the BAVI kids). it's actually a nice place to bring your kids up, but seeing as i don't have any ad i'm no longer a 'kid' (more like a 'kidult" lolz) it's just not doing it for me. ok, i'm rambling on about something totally differnet now. i will stop here. *the end* hahahaha

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