Sunday, December 7, 2008


"...Whenever I want you, all I have to
do, is Dream, dream dream dream..."

do you know what you shouldn't do? long for someone who doesn't even give you a second thought. haha. nah but honestly, i know it's advice that people go on about, but it's true. you waste too much of your own time and energy thinking about what they're doing, who they're with, what if you were in the picture, what if this, what if that and then you are oblivious to the potential around you. (until it's too late of course!)

"...Only trouble is, gee whiz, I'm
dreamin' my life away..."

so i'm like, yes i'm down with that but i'm wondering how? how do you just stop? it annoys me. but i've been really good. haven't gotten my nancy drew on for awhile lolz coz last time i got bummed out (TWICE! hahaha) except i caught a glimpse of a photo on bebo and i was like *sigh* if only... then i stopped myself because then i was killing my own happy buzzy of the new clothes i acquired. so yes i am happy, but there is still that teeny tiny feeling of 'if only' that i've gotta keep shutting down or else i'll fall into the depths of depression & i've got no money for retail therapy. (HAHA ok, not that dramatic, but still!)

i should really take heed of my own advice that i tell everyone "don't worry... God has a plan" which seems to brighten up whatever situation they're in. to be honest, i just tell them what they want to hear. it doesn't give me any comfort at all really haha. i'm just bloody impatient that's why. i hate waiting. but i guess i just gotta give it all up to god/the universe (haha ye-ah the secret!) 'coz that's gonna show me the way. i was heading in your direction but i've been put on to a de-tour, because you're obviously not in the bigger plan for me. it's just that i can't let go (even though there was nothing to hold on to in the first bloody place!) lolz

No, you never were, and you never will be mine
'Cause you never were, and you never will be mine

lyrics from the most ramdom mixed of a cd i've hear in ages-
The Everly Brothers - Dream
Robyn - Be Mine

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