Sunday, December 7, 2008


man i love the feeling! hahaha went to church with nana this morning (it's the 2nd sunday of advent = peace if you wanted to know) went back to her place and was doing my usual rummage thru the closets, tryna find something i could work with.

found this old retro orange suit case that i used to play dress ups with when i was little and that is were i found all my goddamn treasure hahaha... seriously, all these pretty half slips, petticoats, cute summer dresses and skirts that belonged to mumzy and her sisters back in the day.

i was like BOO-YAH! that's me! so now they're all in the wash and i'm so excited to have new clothes!

mumzy got back from auckz this morning. her hair looks good. since i had the house to myself last night i had a quiet smoke, peppermint tea and just chillaxed. it was awesome hahaha

i know it's been out for awhile, but i just caught rihanna & j.t's rehab video on C4. i hate to admit it, (since i'm on strike from her) but it's pretty hott. her outfits remind me of what my aunties used to wear hahaha if it was her by herself, i wouldn't like it. but since j.t is in it, adds that sexual flavour to it lmao (and no, i wouldn't do justin timberlake. he's just hott)

an i know this is probs ancient now, (you'll get used to the fact that i only cotton on to stuff waaaaay after it's had it's 15mins of fame) but i'm liking nelly's "stepped on my jays" song with j.d & ciara. (hahaha maybe i was i was just blazed?!)

that's my ridiculously laid back weekend i had. peace!

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