so mumzy flew up to the city of sails early this morning to get her hair done, and conveniently txt me to say "nana's in a funny mood, so yea... give her a call" turns out that she was just up-set 'coz she just found out that one of my aunties (her neice) has a rare form of blood cancer. so she was just bummed that we couldn't go to napier to visit since mumzy had gone. (i said that i'd drive *ahem* with no license) but she wasn't keen on the idea.
anyways, after spin i headed over to just chillax with nana and spend some QT with her. i basically read all day (the book dad bought me for my birthday haha it's pretty good... meanwhile i bet my entire famz is enjoying alicia keys in concert tonight.. jealous much?! haha)
nana gardened 'coz it was another gorgeous day, and the street was really peaceful. i am assuming that everyone was at the christmas parade today. during the afternoon, nana tells me to walk to the shop to buy the weekend paper for her and an icecream for myself, 'coz i need the exercise lolz (i was like, oi i went to the gym this morning!!)
i was gonna take j-skywalkers i-pod with me, but decided not to just incase i got jumped or something hahahaha (it's really not that bad, i was just over-reacting but i still left it at home lolz)
walking to the shops always reminds me of my days in primary school. going through the alley way and over the bridge bought back memories of going over to rani's place to pick her up before we walked to school together. i enjoy the walk (it's like 5mins) but i still get scared when i go past the state houses that have teens sitting on the porch in their colours, pitbulls growling in the front yard... i always jump when a door slams and cross the street when i hear shouting hahahaha
i wonder what it's like to live like that... then i wondered why some people turn out "good" and some people turn out "bad". if we all come out of the same so-called hood, then why don't we come out all the same? it goes from one extreme to another with the people that i know. from the hard core christians to the dealers in jail. there are the ones that have been bought up in the church, but then go off the rails. the ones who were once all gangsta but are now preachers of the good word. the ones who just come from trashy families, and continue the trashy-ness. the ones that we thought had it made, but astonished with the path the choose instead.
then it made me smile to think of all the "hot people" from the hood, that were now basically losers lmao seriously though, would you rather peak at high school and be nothing for the rest of your life, or be a nobody at high school and be the best for the rest of your life? what you were at high school means shit all when you get into the real world. it's not so bad here compared to the states, but i think it's trickling in.
i think it's got to do with balance. the way you've been bought up, where you've been bought up, experiences through time, your own thoughts and feelings on matters, stuff like that aye?
gotta say, that i had the best ice-cream from the dairy tho'. i changed it up from getting the usual 2 scoops of cookies'n'creme & goodie gum drops to goodie gum drops & passionfruit swirl haha man it was good!!! (most gum drops i've had in awhile too!)
found another skirt at nana's that i can alter for my "vintage summer collection" hahaha this whole sewing thing is awesome. i just cut up everyone's old clothes up and sew them back to styles that are more "today"... got some pretty skirts in the process. and i've just gone on to a totally different tangent. sorry!
i'll leave it here then. peace!
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