SHIT! i totally take what i said in my last post back.
this morning, after i took a shower ('coz i got up and went to spin) i walked across my room over the multitudes of clothes strewn over my floor (which i was meant to pick up yesterday but put it off) and then i heard a sickning *crunch*. i was hoping it was a belt buckle, or sunglasses but i knew imediately what it was- my hair straightner. :'(
i almost had a cry, (i didn't though, honest!) and then i thought back to the last post and i totally take it back. i'm sorry! fix my straightner universe & good karma! please!!! i said one or the other, not BOTH at the same time!
if i had a job, i'd all be like, "oh well, it happens"... then go out and buy another one. but i DON'T! so i CAN'T! damit. why me? i wonder if dad will buy me one for christmas. doubt it. he'll probs buy me another book. ARRRRGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! i am so screwed.
ok, and now the trashy neighbours over the back fence are having a domestic. good times!
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