*warning* this is just another self centered story that revolves around me. enjoy! (or shake your head in shame & vomit in your own mouth) which ever.
you know when you're in a different town/city and you come across a person that looks so familiar, but you can't quite put your finger on when or where you know them from? but you know that they're from your past. (i act like i'm an 80 year old woman with an actuall past lolz) well that happened to me yesterday.
i was at westfield mall and i see this gloomy looking dude sitting on those seats they randomly have outside shops in the mall. i was tryna rack my brains as to where he fit, but i knew those eyes. (mari boy, grey eyes... you wouldn't forget them either.) the reason why i couldn't quite place him, was because i never re-called him ever looking this gloomy. it was depressing. he reminded me of Eeyore (lmaoooo!) he was just sitting there, waiting... as if to say "i totally do not want to be here".
i had to bite my lip as not to laugh when he was "noticing" me. (i made sure i stood in full view, so it was kind of hard not to). he could only see the back and side of me, so with my hair curled i look different to those you are used to my hair straight. (un-beknown to him i'd already made the connection to how i knew him.)
seeing him sitting there all bored and exhausted reminded me of j.skywalker's post about how guys hate shopping, but for some reason, girls insist of dragging them along.
i ended up having to turn around to face his direction (because i was waiting for my cousin to come out of the toilets). he glanced up, frowned (as if to try and remember why i looked familiar to him) did a double take, and then you should have seen his facials. bloody priceless. all the colour just drained from his face & went red with embarrassment, dahahahaha.
when i realised that the pram he was sitting next to belonged to him i just thought "DAHAHAHAHA YOU BASTARD! that's what you get for thinking you were too good & being an asshole to me for no reason" when his baby's mama walked out of the warehouse with like, a trillion bags i seriously had to prevent myself from peeing my pants. i mean, she was average looking. not ugly, but not hott like all the groupies he used to be surrounded in the clubs with. not exactly the type i thought he'd end up impregnating anyway.
i take it she's from down here, so he must've moved from auckland to wellyz to be with his 'family'. HAHA. that's what you get when you're a wannabe baller. a kid, and a standard looking missus. (oooooh!!!!! hahaha)
i thought to myself, well unfortunately it won't be a happy ending for him like the guy in j.skywalker's post. i bet getting a good root for his effort in going shopping was the last thing on his mind, just in case it lead to baby #2! LMAoOoOoO
yup. that just about wraps it uo & proves how much i rate myself haha. but seriously, do you know how much satisfaction it gave me? lmao i'm sure he's very happy being a young dad, not being able to go out with the boys, pulling all the hot chicks and waking up to a mediocre girl (who i'm sure is very lovely on the inside) every single morning.
moral of the story: don't be a dick to people when you don't even know them, or you'll end up like that too hahahaha
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