when i go underware shopping, and i'm making a choice i catch myself thinking "hmmm i wonder what *he who shall not be named* (haha!) think of this?" (i don't bloody know why, but it crosses my mind often. i know. i'm a pshyco lolz). i recommend comfort should always come first when making a purchase. but for me comfort is in par with visibility (VPL is a total pet peeve of mine) same goes for bras. (your clothes must look effortlessly streamline). i mean, cotton granny panties (ewww i HATE that word!) are a big HELLZ NO! for me, but i'm quite the fan of boy legs. anyways, i was in the bendon outlet store in otaki and looking at that elle macpherson boudoir range and i was like 'ooooh!' was tempted to buy some but then i remembered how the girls comment on how pretty my underware is & then they all laugh and say "gutted you're the only one who gets to See them, 'coz you've got no-one to show!" *sigh* gotta love them. i can always count on them to lift me higher lolz. so the moral of the story is that i didn't bother getting any of that range and bought some nice t-shirt bras instead. but hey, if you do have someone to show, i totally recommend you pick some up from there because there sale at the moment is ka pai.

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