DATE: saturday 3 jan 2009
TIME: 11.38pm
LOCATION: auckland international airport
jesus, mary, joseph and the frikkn' donkey. I FEEL LIKE SHIT. not as shit as yesteruday, but still not 100%. just finished talking to all the famz on my cellular telephone because i am bored outta my brains. i don't usually get bored, i blame the fact that i'm sick. i'm usually all for the travel. one of those totally enthusiastic adventurers you can't stand and think are fucken homos. not today though.
do you know what i can't stand? the fact that i am travelling with a whole bunch of AUSTRALIAN BOYSCOUTS! what the fuck?! i will be so pissed off if i'm seated next to them. last time i flew to singapore i had 2 classes of high school students who studied classics and were off to rome or smoe shit. the fact that they were all teenagers were bad enough, but add to that the fact that they were from 2 different single sex school made it 100 times worse. hormones were skyrocketing. i just wanted to puke... and rip all their stupid heads off.
please, please, PLEASE, god dno't let me be seated with the following:
- old people
- young couple with a new born
- screaming toddlers
- australian boy scouts
- creepy indian dudes
- someone with B.O
ko, enuogh. i've had enough of flying for one day. i'm gonna say: I WANT TO GO HOME NOW!!!! omg! wtf is wrong with me? why am i being sucha baby about heading overseas all of a sudden?
DATE: sunday jan 4 2009
TIME: 12.02 am
LOCATION: auckland international airport
here are some useless "did you know?" facts that you're not even interested in, but i am going to tell you anyway:
- dendrophobia is the fear of trees
- it takes a week to make jelly beans
- gynophobia is the fear of women
- tequila is made from the juice if the agave
Hold it right there.
Who the fuck thought, "hey let's juice the agave and see what happens!". then realised "hey! it gets you pissed! wonder what it'll taste like if you add salt & lemon too!"
HI-FIVE BROTHER!!!! you are my new found hero. personally i would not have had the same brainwave. (then again, my wavelength is completely different to the rest of the world) i'd probs walk past an agave and think to myself, 'what the fuck is that?' and keep walking. that is why i am not the cool guy who invented tequila.

DATE: sunday jan 4 2009
TIME: 12.14 am
LOCATION: akl int' airport
when you get to the boarding gate area, the people who've just landed walk past you and you're able to see them 'coz the walls are glass. whoever the won the architecture/design contract & thought of that idea was a bloody legend. so here i am, seated infront, watching all the happy people arrive to auckland.
i can't wait to be in arrivals instead of depatures.
i'm assuming they've just come from aussie, since i spoted a quantas aircraft land not so long ago. also, i saw quite afew scantilly clad skanky bogans. wait 'till they get outside. it's fucken cold in auckland LMAO what fuckheads. yep, i'm most definitly sick, i keep using "fuck" as an adjective.
i've popped 2 panadols so i can endure the half of the journey at least, and get some shut eye. fingers crossed there aren't any screaming babies on board that just cry all the way like the last time. 10 hours of that will make me want to rip my own head off. dahahahaha!
there are alot of white people around. thank god. as long as there aren't too many indians lmao (sorry to all my indian friends who are actually cool) like that song in hairspray: "white is right, black go back!" lmao
DATE: jan 4 2009
TIME: 12.54 am
LOCATION: on board aircraft
holy shit, i was the 3rd to last person on board 'coz i was too busy day dreaming about eventually being one of those people on the other side of the glass. lmao there are 3 babies in my section of the plane. the 2 indian ones are sound asleep, however the white one is screaming it's head off. thank god i'm seated next to a mother and primary school aged daughter from the UK. this flight should be all good!
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