Thursday, January 8, 2009


so we basically spent all day at the mac shop today, because it turns out that on my aunty's computer her entire entourage corrupted and she lost everything on it (which was like, the last 18 mths of correspondance that included contracts and what not) that had to do with her work.

i was just taking in all things good that a child who loves apple macs should hahahaha lots of models aren't even out in the west yet (don't ask which ones, i'm not down with the techie lingo... i just know they run faster than usane bolt and are sexier than eva mendes with no clothes on)

i totally got denied when i asked to take photos, so this was the best i could do when i got my 'secret squirrel' on lolz i thought about colour correcting them, but nah. it gives the feel of the dusty polution feel that makes this city what it is.

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