these are from the day i was told i'd have to be admited for surgery. WTF?! i was in the waiting room of the insurance officer, (waiting for my travel insurance peepz to say they had my back) with an apple juice (that's what's in the pikachu plastic bag), & my bag of drugs from the previous clinic i'd been to that referred me to this hospital. i had this one painting to stare at for about 3 hours (there were heaps all around the hospital) and the last photo is to show that it was a vietnamese/french hospital so the staff were multi-lingual. no good for me seeing as i don't speak much french, just the real basics. (yes, no, thank you, see ya, hello etc etc) i don't want to have an operation. i don't want to spend the night in hopsital. i don't want to be sick. wuk the world!
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