if you can't afford the plane ticket, then escape to the likes of thailand, cambodia and india in these books.
Q&A - Vikas Swarup (formally known as Slumdog Millionare)
it took me only one day to finish Q&A because i refused to put it down. it's the story that slumdog millionare is based on. from the previews i've seen of the movie, i don't think i'll like it because they've changed so much and it they've lost key elements from the story.
Off the Rails in Phnom Penh - Amit Gilboa
since i'm heading to cambo this wednesday and don't know much about it (other than i've got a friend that's from there in palmy, who says it's "waaay better than crappy vietnam and thailand") i thought i'd better read up on my next destination. so far, so good. i'm looking forward to witnessing the 'dark heart of guns, girls, and ganja"
Bangkok Tattoo - John Burdett
my favourite buddhist sonchai is at it again. (book number 2 of burdett's trilogy.) i can't wait until friday when i'm back in bangers!!!
i know, talk about nerd! hahaha brings back memories of back in the day at primary and intermediate when i used to just read 24-7! (except that was like, animorphs, baby-sitters club, etc etc lolz)
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